Saturday, October 8, 2011

Acting like a child

Week 4 of the "two:fifty-two" after-school program is complete.  For the past four weeks, the kids have been working on addition/subtraction/multiplication, they've built water filters and volcanoes, they've read for about six total hours each, have memorized four memory verses (most of them), and played their hearts out during rec time.  As far as behavior goes, I would say they all know what we expect from them and a couple of them, I think, have noticeably had better behavior.  But the journey is long and all I can do trust that God will slowly but surely change their hearts for eternity.  During Bible time and throughout the weeks, the gospel is being repeated to them over and over.  They seem to know the right answers to our questions, but that's all it is to them right now, an answer to a question.  I don't think there is much self-reflection and heart dissection going on right now with them, but keep them in your prayers.

On the opposite side of things, us volunteers have tried to think of ways to help the kids with their addition/subtraction/multiplication (none of us have education backgrounds), we've gathered/bought supplies and cooked clay for them to do science experiments, we've sat with many of them during reading time trying to figure out the best way to help each kid read, we've disciplined, we've planned for hours, and played our hearts out during rec time!  Spending so much time with the kids, we are starting to see their strengths and weaknesses, their personalities and conniving tricks, what brings them joy and what brings them pain.  Nowhere near God's level of understanding, I've found it interesting that how the kids behave is very similar to how I behave in my relationship with Christ.

Let me explain.  We have a clip chart based on behavior, not performance.  Everyone starts every day in the center on "Ready To Learn" and can move up the chart to "Good Day" to "Great Job" to "Outstanding" or they can move down to "Think About It" to "Teacher's Choice" to "Parent Contact".  This is based on behavior.  About week 2, they quickly were trying to figure out what they needed to do in order to get moved up, or to "get blessed", if you will.  "Mr. Andrew, can I move my clip up for doing my homework?"  That sort of thing happens a lot.  Our quickly improvised rule, no one moves up when asked.  I thought about how sometimes I think being blessed is the result of some equation of good behavior or the result of trying to read my Bible more or praying harder.  In the words of A.W. Tozer in The Pursuit of God, "God's gifts now take the place of God, and the whole course of nature is upset by the monstrous substitution."  Since when have God's blessings been more life-giving to me than the giver of life?  So two:fifty-two continued.  This past week, I recognized in what situations I will tell kids to "clip-up" or "clip-down".  When a kid does something good (worthy of a clip-up), then races over to clip-up and announces, rather, brags about their achievement, I wonder about their motives for good behavior and whether or not I should reward someone for arrogance.  When a kid does something good with no selfish ambition, I feel they deserve a clip-up more.  The kids are not in control of the "clip-ups", we are.  I am not in control of my blessings, God is.  I hope the kids realize that the "clip-ups" are nothing in comparison to the growth that will go on in their hearts.  The blessings are nothing in comparison to the God who gave.

I have a question for you, whoever may be reading this.  This question was asked me from a former roommate of mine.  Which of the following would you choose?  Being in heaven for eternity with angels, joy, singing, dancing, elation, jubilee, warmth, millions of people, everything you might think heaven will be, but with no Jesus.  OR, being in a cold, damp, dark cave, with no singing or dancing or cheesecake or flying or people or flying people; just you and Jesus.  How could I not choose the second?  If I am a child of God, adopted into His family, who cares what I get from Him?  I have him!

Peep this.  I am unashamed to say that I watched the following youtube clip about 5 times today.  Yes, it's cute but pay attention to where this girl's heart is.  Yes, she loves Disney stuff.  Yes, she loves princesses and pink and getting things for her birthday.  But her love is concentrated on her loving parents for the thought of taking her to Disney world for her birthday.  Her tears, I believe, are a beautiful thank you to her parents.  I'm sure Disney world would mean nothing to her without having her parents.  Take notes from this child.  Imagine how God must feel when we cry and embrace Him for His love and compassion on us, for knowing our desires so deeply.  Kind of like the little girl said, I sometimes feel like God, "How did you know I wanted this?"  Joy in God and God alone should be enough for us to seek him every day, not for blessings, not for recognition from others, but for a deeper intimacy with He who created us.

For this week, I ask that you continue to pray for Challah and Diallo.  I will introduce another kid next week hopefully.  New things I learned about Challah : For only being in second grade and a girl (sorry), she is amazing at baseball and is quick.  She talks to us like she is an adult which is adorable.  She could care less about putting on a "good behavior" show to brag but she is actually pretty well-behaved.  New things I learned about Diallo: he is like me when I was in school.  I wanted to get done with homework as fast as I could, which meant not reading those boring directions all the time.  When showed a few completely worked out double-digit multiplication problems, he picked it up fast, as opposed to when I tried to walk him through step by step.  He, like me, needs to be shown how to do something completely, then he can do it forever by himself.

Please pray for:
-A decision on who, if anybody, to bring to two:fifty-two now that Keyshawn and Jeffery moved away.
-God to reveal more of himself to us who are going to Indianapolis next week for the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA).  I will be there next week from Wednesday to Sunday.  Also pray for safe travels.
-Brothers Bodai (BOO-day) and Amp, and their cousin Booby (yep) to come to know of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I see them a lot at the Green House and at the basketball courts.  They have been blessed with athletic gifts, especially Bodai and Amp.

May God's grace encourage you to seek Him and no one else.


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