Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Better Half - Part 2

If you haven't heard from me or others yet, I'm a married man.  I "jumped the broom" as some of the older folks in the neighborhood have told me.  On June 21st, 2014, I, Andrew Vollmer took Missi Schock to be my wife.  We met here in Jacksonville back in the summer of 2010 and started dating in August of 2011.  If you haven't met her yet, I hope you get to soon.

As I'm writing this blog, I am home by myself.  In our one month of marriage, the longest we've been apart has been just a few hours.  Right now, she is in Wisconsin visiting some of her family where I will be joining her on Wednesday.  If you're in Milwaukee, let me know.  With her not here, I realize more and more how amazing she is.  There's a clear emptiness without her.  I recall talking to her on the phone a few years ago, really just rambling about some unimportant story.  I apologized for what I thought was clearly a boring story but she told me, "I think everything you say is interesting."  She remembers more about what I say than what I remember I say.  She is so thoughtful and has put herself second in our relationship so often.  She can express her feelings and emotions with ease which makes her a very honest person.  I often have the same facial expressions when I'm happy, sad, or angry so it's refreshing to be with someone who can emote.  We share silly moments and serious moments.  She makes me feel like I'm a great leader even when I feel I'm not.  She is a great encouragement to me and I'm so blessed with grace from her when I mess things up.

I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with her.  I think I've cried more with her, laughed more with her, talked more with her than any other person.  She is my best friend.

I want to tell you about the day the whole marriage thing started.

First of all, there is nothing quite like having family and friends from different parts of your life come together to celebrate with you.  It makes my life seem more clear, like when you put on glasses for the first time.  To spare you from details about each and every person in attendance and how God used them in my life, I'll try to give you an overview of the wedding for those who could not attend.

It was beautiful!

The End

Just kidding.  Well, it was beautiful, but for so many more reasons than would meet the eye.  We got so many compliments about the venue, the view of the river, the koi fish and turtles out front, the classy-looking mansion inside. But what I'd like to share are the moments I will probably always remember.  I'll remember my groomsmen taking a selfie right before handing us the rings and all the fun we had at the beach earlier that day playing wiffle-ball with Missi's dad and her brothers and nephew.  I'll remember dance-battling with Challah and Diallo (sister and brother) who were our flower girl and usher, who have been a big part of my life since moving to Jacksonville.  I'll remember how full the dance floor was from start to finish.  I'll remember the faces of people that traveled far to see us for only a couple hours.  I'll remember my brother and father's speeches, about them being humbled by the work God was doing in me and respecting me.  I'll remember dancing with my mom.  For some reason, that was the closest I was to crying that day.  You are such an amazing woman, Mom.  Sorry we didn't do a tap dance routine.  I know you would've been down.  I'll remember being asked to dance by Missi's mom and sharing in some fun moments with Missis' side of the family.

You might be wondering, where is Missi in all these future memories? we go.  Missi and I chose to see each other before the ceremony because it took a lot of nerves away and we got many of the pictures done beforehand.  Some of you in attendance know about this, but when we did our "first-look" photos, the photographers gave us some space and I played a song on the guitar for Missi.  I first heard this song years before I met her, but during our engagement I really wanted to learn it and play it for her.  Some of you wanted to know what song it was so here's a link to it.  It's the only place I know it's recorded. (  Worship leader and singer Evan Wickham wrote it for his wedding.

Not being a big fan of doing traditional wedding things for traditions sake, I wanted the wedding to be meaningful beyond the fact that we were making a life-time commitment to each other.  But how to display that better?  We decided to do a foot-washing at the ceremony to display our commitment to serving each other just as Jesus had washed his disciples' feet.

I'm excited to begin this journey with Missi.  The world is big and we're just two people.  Time is long and we'll be here for just a few decades.  Only gone for one day, she is already missed.  I pray that in the ways we are different, that we'd shape each other.  In the ways we are the same, we'd help each other grow.  We've already faced some things in marriage that many don't, and it's brought us closer to each other and closer to God.  Please pray we'd continue to serve each other, laugh, cry, and talk more and more.

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