Saturday, July 6, 2013


If you looked at a picture of me and then looked at a picture of a kid from the Brentwood neighborhood, you may comment on many external differences.  I might be much taller, much older, much whiter, much hairier...on the surface.  How does God see us?  Not one trait better or worse.  Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  All the things that distinguish us from every other individual that has walked the earth is just a small representation of how creative God is.  It amazes me that He created us.  We don't have to wonder why we weren't made as strong or as smart or as rich or as beautiful as that other person.  We can live in confidence knowing God made us exactly how we are in order to bring Him glory.

There was a time in my life when I was one of the shortest kids in my class.  Always wondered why I couldn't be "normal" height.  There are times where I'd reject the things that distinguished me from other kids.  I tended to be smarter, shorter, skinnier, quieter, athleticker.  Anything that would draw attention to myself, I'd start wishing I was more "normal", the opposite of those things.  Only until college did I start to accept and even embrace the way that God made me.  But it is not, I repeat, is not physical traits, gifts, hobbies, or talents that define me.  I can only say that my identity comes from Jesus Christ and what he has done for me on the cross.  Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."  When Jesus lives inside me, although my sinful nature loves to try to convince me otherwise, Jesus is what God sees, not because of anything I've done, but because Jesus took the punishment that my sins deserved.

So why tell you any of this.  Well, to be honest, if I'm living to make myself seem great, it would be like a shepherd leading his sheep into a sandstorm.  I am only a sheep, hoping to point out to any lost or confused sheep to see how great the perfect Shepherd is.
Before the Summer Day Camp started, honestly, I expected that all the kids at camp would take away any remaining energy I had left from the school year.  I'd return next year completely exhausted.  But, something great happened.  As 75 kids funneled into our summer camp, I noticed that some of the activities that we've done over and over again during the school year at two:fiftytwo like hula hooping, jump roping, and drawing with chalk, became so exciting to the kids that were experiencing them for the first time.  Not gonna lie, some of these kids are adorable, smiling when they are told to run from here to there, laughing when volunteers make silly faces or try to dance, joyfully screaming chants of "Who da kang?!?! He da kang!?!?"  (Jesus Christ is the king!)

Two of the five weeks are in the books for Summer Day Camp 2013 and we are just getting started.  The kids have learned worship songs every day, they've done crafts that go with our "King and Me" theme, they've been rained on, fed lunches and healthy snacks ("What are blueberries?" said one kid), and they're in the process of learning who their creator is.

One of my favorite moments so far of camp has to be when the soccer ball team (5 and 6 year olds) came outside for the sports and rec station when it began to rain.  Thinking the rain would let up, I had everybody stand under our huge tent to keep dry, hoping to continue a football lesson on throwing and catching.  When the sprinkles turned to heavy and windy storms and when the ground under the tent began to get wet and flood, I had no choice but to run the kids inside the church five at a time.  Without a game plan for an indoor activity, my creative brain was turned on full power.  How are these wet and hyper kids going to pay any attention, especially if I don't have a plan?  As they lined up on the blue tape on the ground, without a word, I quickly stood straight up with my hands down at my side.  Two or three kids copied, all others still kind of jumping and talking, dripping with distraction.  I raised my arms slowly out at my sides, more and more kids began to get the gist.  As I played this silent version of simon says, I couldn't help but wonder how long this would keep their attention.  "As long as it possibly can?" I thought.  I would squat down.  They would squat down.  I would fall over.  They would fall over then laugh.

I wish I had video of all 20 of them in silly synchronized movements.  It was really cool.

What would it be like to reflect Christ?  Do I obey because I have to?  So that I don't get in trouble for not following directions?  What obedience is pleasing to God?  I would hate to feel like I'm forcing the kids to copy my movements in a game of "mirrors", it's just so cool to me to see them join in without being asked and genuinely enjoy trying to move every way that I am.  It should be out of pure joy that we follow Jesus.  I don't obey just so that I feel joy or laughter.  It's not about what I get out of listening to Him, it's about who He is and what He wants to give us.  Our obedience comes from love.

1 Peter 1:15-16 says, "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'"  As he is holy, we are commanded to be holy.  We are to reflect him, as in a mirror.  Next time you look into a mirror, instead of making weird faces at yourself (or is that just me?), think about your creator and how God made you very uniquely and for a purpose.  Although we are all made differently, let us worship the Lord together as one body in Christ.
Please pray that our energy increases, our love for the kids grows, and that we begin to see them in light of their eternity.

Enjoy some freeze dance action during dismissal time of camp.  (Yes, that is the Carlton dance being attempted by summer intern Blake in the red shorts.)

(The pictures above are from water day yesterday.  I love the smiles and action shots. It was so much fun!)

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