Monday, May 20, 2013

Boys Day 2

The end of the school year is only a few weeks away.  For any of you teachers out there, I bet you can't wait for some rest in the summer.  With the big Florida testing over with, many teachers in this neighborhood coast, go on more field trips, watch more movies, and try to have more fun in their classrooms.  The FCAT is a big indicator on whether or not a student will go on to the next grade.  Helping out in the North Shore Elementary offices, it's sad to see students who, according to their age, should be one or even two grades higher than where they are.

As a worker in an after school program, I have noticed that the past couple of weeks have been a bit more difficult to get the students to want to read or want to do a worksheet that isn't their homework.  Our creativity has had to step it up a notch.  We went from individual reading time, which we call DEAR time (drop everything and read), to partner reading where an adult facilitates specific questions about the book or about grammar/vocabulary.  Although there have been difficulties with the school year finishing, I've actually been generally more excited.  Knowing there's always that chance that a student will move away or not join our program next year makes me want to take advantage of any opportunity I can to help them, love them, care.  If you've watched a couple of the last episodes of The Office, you might remember when Darryl left his job at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company without saying goodbye (he didn't like goodbyes).  Then when he was seen at work gathering some things, all his co-workers suddenly wanted to hang out, grab lunch, spend time.  I would hate to have to lose something to know how much I miss it.

Hopefully in the next couple weeks, I will have had time to sit down, really think about this past school year, all God has taught me, put me through, and be able to give you some highlights, one of which I'm sure will include Boys Day 2.

Our second boys day was this past Saturday and we went to Hanna Park.  This park has hiking, camping, fishing, but the section we spent all our time at was the beach.  Adults included me, roommates Marc and Evanda, and neighborhood friend Ernest.  Students included Alex (4th grade), Ferrell (2nd), Diallo (5th), Mekhi (2nd), and Emery (5th) who was a part of two:fiftytwo last year.  We got to the beach, parked, went over some ground rules, then went for the ocean.  Most of these kids don't get the opportunity to go the beach too often.  It was awesome!  The waves were in good form, we dug some holes, made some sand castles, buried some people, play catch with the football, played baseball in the water, and ate apples.  Yes, apples.  After our 3 hours in the sun, we headed back home and got some McDonald's on the way.  These kids love them some McDonald's.  I could write about the beach for a long time.  Each kid was interested in different things.  Alex loved baseball and attacking the waves, Emery was content with his shovel digging holes, wanting to make a hot tub.  Ferrell, who I know could be a child-comedian if he wanted, said "I need to go work on my tan," on more than one occasion.  It was fun to partake in their excitement.  It was great!

Alex escaping from his sand grave.

Ferrell enjoying the water.

Emery, Diallo, Alex, and Mekhi playing catch with the unseen football.

With the school year nearing its end, we are beginning to get prepared for the summer day camp.  My mindset can sometimes drift to the summer prematurely and forget about the now.

Please pray:
-As a staff, that God would give us the drive and strength to be intentional with the next few weeks, hoping the kids grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and men.
-God would provide not only the supplies needed for summer day camp, but also the right volunteers, the right students from the neighborhood, the right instruction, etc.

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