Saturday, March 23, 2013

Relative - Part 1

Wow, what a week!  There were 39 people from Clemson University that drove down to Jacksonville for their spring break to help and serve the Brentwood neighborhood in whatever way they could in one week.  This larger group made it hard for me to imagine that I'd be able to connect with all of them, since they'd be split up in different morning and afternoon groups.  My mornings consisted of going into North Shore Elementary with 11 people from the group.  I was worried that this large quantity would be difficult to shepherd into different serving possibilities.
Two weeks ago, I had one of the worst nights of sleep in my life.  I woke up in the middle of the night, freezing, curled up to get warm, didn't occur to me to layer up in clothing, and when I couldn't bear it anymore, I put on a second sweatshirt, a second layer of sweat pants, and tried to get back to sleep.  My head was hurting, my body was experiencing chills, and I was praying for God to alleviate the pain just enough so I could sleep.  Not a big burdensome request, right?  I knew full well that God could heal me at any point or he could choose to allow me to go through the pain.  The help never came, and I don't remember sleeping much that night.

It didn't occur to me until about a week ago that I had been approached three times by three different people who were asking for money.  They were all different in their manner of talking yet I had no money to give.  All said they were trying to get $8 so they could stay at the rescue mission either for the night or the week (I can't remember which).  One man had just moved to Jacksonville, was walking his bike next to us, said he was able to secure a job but wasn't getting paid until the end of the week and would be forced to sleep under the overpass for a third night in a row.  When I told him I had no money on me, his look was unforgettable.  It wasn't of anger or frustration towards me, but of defeat, coming up short, worry of another inevitable freezing night of trying to make it to the next day. He was thankful for the sunny day, the warmth, and was very kind in his demeanor towards us.  Sure, he would get paid at the end of the week, and he found a food kitchen so he was well fed, but shelter, a safe and warm place to sleep, that was what he desired most.  He went on his way, no doubt searching for any available money floating around.  My one bad night of sleep, compared to this man, was only relatively uncomfortable.
Back at North Shore, two in our group willingly helped organize books in the library, two more willingly helped the main office photocopy, laminate, and cut paper, four more willingly entered classrooms to help different teachers with anything they needed (grading papers, cutting paper, reading to kids, loving on them), and the final three willingly decorated the hallways spring and Dr. Suess themed.  Here's an example of their self-discovered expertise.

Although much of the school didn't know there were spring breakers in the building, it didn't take long for them to just see the impact they were making.  "I wish y'all could come back all the time.  Y'all are just wonderful people for helping us out," said Ms. Busbee, the main office lady.  I know these Clemson students felt loved.  I was very encouraged this week by their eagerness to do anything and everything asked of them.  At no point did any of them wonder, "What am I supposed to be doing right now?" and I thank you God for that.  They made my job so easy and free of stress.

In the afternoons, I led a group of seven in "beautifying" the neighborhood through some landscaping.  I've done this job before, so the experience definitely made the leading part a lot easier.  I remember my first time leading a landscaping team, I had no idea what I was doing and I had to be the voice of direction for what needed to be done.  I didn't know what an edger was, or what a weed whipper looked like, or even what kind of gas goes in a lawn mower.  The afternoon team was excited to pick up trash, rake leaves and bag 'em, spread mulch, pull weeds, root out trees, trim bushes, load and unload tools from the truck.  They were excited to work hard and get dirty as the neighborhood gets clean.

The community garden we helped make look perty last week (this is in between a before and after picture)

Yesterday, the last night the Clemson was here, they all asked the staff members to come up to the front so they could ask us what scriptures help us keep going as we live in this neighborhood long term, relative to their short week-long stay.  Afterwards, they crowded around us and prayed over us, then asked their own group questions of what God has been teaching them throughout the week.  Every time a new student walked to the front and shared, my heart was encouraged and I became more amazed at how complex and big God is.  The inside of their hearts became exposed to the whole group to hear, stuff I would've had no idea had been going on.  By the time all the sharing was over, the students were given time to say their goodbyes and talk to us one more time.  Most everyone I worked with, at the schools and with street clean-up crew came up to me to hug and thank me, even though I wanted to hug and thank them for all they've shown me this week.  Neither side could take credit for such a great week, it all goes to the Lord.  There's something about meeting your siblings in Christ that is just encouraging.

Even though this recharging happens only one month out of the year, it has really blessed me in reminding me that God is working here, he is using us in bigger ways than we can even see or believe, and it is all for his glory, not mine, not 2nd Mile Ministries'.  This month, relative to the rest of the school year, is not something I want to get used to, because ministry can be draining and slow, not energizing and muscle-flexing.  This week has been great, it's hard to put into words.  I hope you are encouraged by this.  If you want to hear more, I'd love to share.  Just send me an email.


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