Sunday, March 11, 2012

You Got Served!

March Madness!  I'm tired.  This month consists of various colleges and Christian organizations coming to visit 2nd Mile Ministries to serve on a short-term missions trip for their Spring break.  This past week, we had the pleasure of partnering with a group of ten from Northwestern College in Iowa (nine students and one professor).  I have to be honest here, when I meet new people, especially in bunches, my sinful nature tempts me to be judgmental and find ways to make myself feel better about myself, more comfortable.  The Lord made me aware of this last week and I praise Him for it.  These ten, with their own uniqueness and quirks, immediately had a heart to serve in whatever way they could.  "Can we help you make dinner?"  "No thanks, we got it covered."  They were very eager to help with anything, almost so eager that they needed to fill every minute of the missions trip with serving.  I'm the same way sometimes.  How can I help?  What can I do?  Keep me busy.  Sometimes the best way you can help someone is to just sit there.

I remember a story told by a Native-American Christian about a time a short-term missions trip came to his reservation to "serve" and how he was tired that they had such a desire to serve that the natives didn't want any more houses painted.  He said how he justed wanted to have relationships and friendships made with these "pigmentally" challenged brothers.  He was funny.  What I love about the Northwestern group is that they show humility in their service.  "What's the best way to help you this week?"  Five of them helped out at two:fiftytwo and it was awesome.  At one point, we had twelve adults and only nine kids.  Three of us, including me, had actually periods of time where we could breathe, not focus on a particular child, just kind of oversee everything.  Trying to help a kid in those times where they are already being helped would hurt more than help.

I'm getting physically and socially exhausted.  I'm getting the same hours of sleep, but I've had more chances to engage with more people.  The energy level that Iowa brought to the ministry this week had been awesome.  I'm more excited, the kids are excited, and it keeps the wheels turning on 2nd Mile and the work God is doing in Brentwood.  Please pray God would give us strength as we continue to try and serve a group from Tampa (31 people) this week and a group from Kent State (35~40 people) next week.

Opportunities God has given us to serve in the past couple of weeks:
-Dr. Seuss's birthday was a couple Fridays ago and North Shore Elementary (where Tiara and I volunteer each week) asked me if I would want to dress up like Cat in the Hat and walk around classrooms and take pictures with the kids.  I think it's because I'm tall and a lighter skin-tone.  I said yes. Result: Tail got pulled, many photo opps, many overly excited kids thinking I was the actual Cat in the Hat, they'd pet my white furry chest, even scared a couple kids too.
-Yard work at the Green House (where I live).  Result: Garbage picked up, leaves raked, lawn mowed, palm branches cut up, bagged, old grill and broken basketball hoop picked up by a passer-by in a truck.
-Storage room at North Pearl Baptist (where the after-school program is). Result: Still messy storage room, just crammed into half the space and the other half painted (we're not done).
-2nd Mile prepares meals for everybody, Northwestern does dishes.  Result: Mutual serving!

The name "Obadiah" means both servant and worshiper.  Why should we serve?  "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.  Jesus served us, and is God.  That's a crazy reality in itself.  Why serve?  Jesus did it.  We should do it.  Serve.  I'm done.  I'm tired.  If you are willing/able, I would love some encouragement throughout the week.  I don't mean to sound selfish, I just know that when I get texts, God really encourages me through them.  (414) 899-3835.  I probably won't have much or any time to talk on the phone in the next two weeks, but a text would be much appreciated.

Preview of the next few weeks.  Demolition!

The only cat who knows where it's at.

1 comment:

  1. I like your Cat in the Hat outfit...did you put any makeup on your face?? Sounds like you've got some busy weeks here with alot of visitors! I'll be texting you time and again just to check in on you!
