Saturday, March 31, 2012

Green House

Hey all,
This will probably be the shortest blog I've written ever.  Just a few thoughts from this past week.  As the Spring break groups have been gone for a week, I was hoping the transition back to normal would be easy.  Honestly, it's been tough.  I enjoyed having more people here, getting to meet new people, hang out with a bunch of guys for a change.  There's only one guy with the ministry here this year and the rest are women.  I've realized that not only do I miss being around a bunch of guys (in college, I lived at the MOB with between 19-28 guys at a time), but I miss going out and just doing things.  I live at the ministry house, or the "Green House", where all interns live.  My first internship, there were 11 people living here.  Now, just 2 including me.  There have been times I've gotten some cabin fever and just needed to get out.  Last week I went to go play basketball four mornings in a row to just wake up.  I played tennis Thursday.  I got to help three people move on Friday.  It's been anything but normal for me this past week.  I'm hoping that getting into a routine again doesn't happen for a while.  Is the Christian life ever supposed to be normal?  Routine?  Comfortable?  Predictable?  Although, I wish that I could say that this past year as an intern I've grown in the wisdom and knowledge of God's word and that I'm a better person now than before I came here.  I can't.  I've been made more aware of just how sinful I am and that there is nothing in my own power that will bring me to righteousness.

I can't remember a specific time when I've ever been in a real green house with plants growing, but I can imagine that the conditions in which the plants exist are set-up for them to grow well.  Plenty of sunlight, lots of water, rich soil.  I guess my prayer would be that this green house that I'm living in would be a place of growth and freedom rather than a constricting, life-sucking parasite.  Ever been under solitary confinement?  I don't know if there's any proof of this but I think my ability to complete tasks or homework might have something to do with the weird kind of loopy mindset I can get into sometimes.  I might be making this seem more serious than it actually is.  Sometimes I think that my lack of a vehicle restricts my freedom to explore and breath.  I can't imagine how it would feel to live in Brentwood your entire life without a vehicle.

I'm not crazy.

I'm okay with telling you that lately I have had a hard time being motivated.  Motivated to read, motivated to build relationships, motivated to clean.  There are a bunch of things on my to-do list this weekend that I don't even know how to begin to prioritize and knock them out.  Please pray that I would not freak out because God has it under control, that God would be my only motivation in doing anything, and that my desires would line up with His rather than hope His line up with mine.  I need some prayer and would love to know how I can pray for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!
    I just read this blog and watched the video you had attached...I'm hoping that the unipiper wasn't you?! It was really good though. Glad you are getting out and not feeling claustrophobic. Hope you got your projects done...I do know how that is when you have things that you know need to get done and you can't get motivated to do them! Still have quite a list of those to do before it gets to be summer here.
    Pray you are doing well!
    Love, Aunt Sue
