Saturday, February 25, 2012


press 1 v. pressed, press·ing, press·es. v. 1. To exert steady weight or force against; bear down on

This past week at the after-school program has been great.  And by great, I mean it provided us with many challenges that we've never had to face before.  I honestly thank God for these unique chances to see our kids' weaknesses as well as our own.  If God knocks me down in order for me to trust Him more, heck, why should I object to this?  Putting things in God's hands should be done all the time; however, the fact is, I often try to create circumstances where I succeed or try to figure out a practical way to solve problems.  What if God's plan is to not answer your prayers in order that you examine your heart and realize that God's grace is sufficient?

I've been reading through 2 Corinthians and I got to chapter 4.  Verses 7-9 say, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."  At times in the past few weeks, I've felt this pressure.  Although I haven't been through nearly as harsh or frequent persecution as Paul has, I believe that these small trials of disruptive kids and lack of respect and obedience are ways that God is forming his precious jars.  He is careful not to break me.  I'm still alive and have my sanity.  Sometimes I get perplexed or confused as to why my methods of control don't work, but I'm not in despair.

Davon and Dreshaun.  Brothers.  4th grade and 2nd grade.  Read way above their grade level.  Super smart kids.  Nice kids even.  Only thing is, they get in eachother's faces sometimes and they get upset very very very easily.  In kickball, if Dreshaun gets out, he walks off with an angry face and it's hard to get him to do anything.  If Davon doesn't get what he wants, if this fourth grader doesn't get what he wants, he contradicts every thing you say.  "Please take a seat." He stands up and walks off.  "You need to listen to directions." "No I don't, get away from me."  That sort of thing.  They both blame the adults for their discipline and seem oblivious to their own actions.  Davon got suspended one day and I think his younger brother is trying to be his older brother.  I don't know.  At these times where I don't know what to do, all I can do is look to my Lord and say thank you.  Thank you for these kids, these challenges, for keeping us on our toes, for these opportunities to tell them you love them deeply.  My jar is far from being completely finished.  I want to learn from my Father how to be a potter.  Lord, how do I press these kids hard enough to not break them?  I know that in my different experiences, God grows me and shapes me.

Please pray for more opportunities to deal with the difficult kids in a way that is pleasing, acceptable, and glorifying to God.  Please pray for Davon and Dreshaun, that they come Monday willing to listen, not for the sake of us having an easy day, but so that God would be transforming their hearts.

One praise from last week is Alex.  Remember Alex?  He had a very rough couple days a few weeks ago, causing him to be suspended for a day.  This past week at school, his conduct grades (all kids get a daily grade on behavior) were A's and B's and at two:fiftytwo he has been respectful to us, he's apologized on his own to kids, he's been focused and had a good spirit about him all week.  Praise God!  Thank you for the prayers because they are heard!  Thanks

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