Saturday, February 11, 2012

Patience Tried and Tired

Two weeks ago, the Bible lesson for the kids was about the John 15:5 and the fruit of the Spirit.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  I was really hoping that the kids, especially the poorly behaved ones, would instantly apply this fruit to their lives so that it would make my job easier.  Selfish, yes I know.  What God had in store for us this week was, in a sense, good for us to learn from, but really really difficult to deal with at the time.  Allow me to share,

The Friday schedule is a bit different since most of the kids don't get homework, so we call them "Fun Fridays."  We either do a science experiment, learn about a foreign country's culture, have a guest come in to talk about their job, or we learn a dance from a dance instructor.  Anyway, yesterday may have been the worst day we've had, behavior-wise.  One girl sat down in the middle of the court during game time and refused to move and sit off to the side.  One boy would repeatedly disrupt everybody inside and disrespect the adults just to get a laugh from a girl he really likes.  Another boy would repeat our instructions loudly and obnoxiously and blame everyone else but himself for getting everyone in trouble.  We came in 11 minutes earlier from game time than we normally do, so they had to sit still, quietly inside for 11 minutes.  The time started over probably over a dozen times due to talking and disruption.  It was crazy.  The three or four kids that were actually being quiet and respectful wrote apology letters (all on their own) for their behavior even though they did nothing.  Things finally settled once one particular boy got sent home early for his behavior.

It was frustrating, if you can imagine.  I immediately began to question myself.  Did my corrections and discipline sound more like loveless orders that caused them to be disruptive?  Is there something I did wrong?  If I had any patience before that day, it was all gone at the end.  Every week, the two:fiftytwo staff fills out weekly evaluations.  "How did this week go overall?"  It's very difficult to assess the week as a whole when you are recovering from one terrible day.  The thing is, a couple days this week were actually pretty awesome.  It was a very fluent environment for the most part.  The kid that got sent home early had an awesome Monday and Wednesday, was focused on homework, was encouraging to others (mostly).  His Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday were not so awesome.  We haven't changed anything.  I wondered why he was so up and down.  Is something going on at school?  At home?  I know his family situation is rough and his conduct grade at school is bad.  He desires attention so I guess misbehaving is his way to get it.  For some reason, I see this need that he has for someone to just listen to him, care about him as a human being, rather than just a kid.  He does act older than his age and I'm sure has had to grow up a lot faster than other kids.  I don't know what to do besides pray for him. 

I often go into each day thinking more about how I am doing (trying to get kids to behave) rather than how the kids are doing.  Please pray for that I'd realize that the selfishness I have is not only sinful but also dead according to Romans 6:11.  Please pray that God would show us how to be patient with all the kids and how to lovingly direct their academic, physical, social, and spiritual growth.  Please pray for Alex, the one who tries my patience the most.  Please pray God would give him a heart to be respectful to those around him.  We could all use an adjustment of where our thoughts are.  Are they on yourself and how you feel or are they on God and others and how they feel?

Matthew 22:37-39
"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your patience is being tested by the roudy kids at times, Andrew...but I also know that you are one of the most patient and loving persons I know! Alex is very lucky to have you as one of his mentors! You just keep on doing what you do and God will keep on guiding you!
    Prayers coming your way....
    Love, Aunt Sue
