Sunday, November 20, 2011

Names and Numbers

Wild Bill was a short old man with a scruffy beard and said he was "residentially challenged."  This homeless man came to an outreach event put on by Shiloh Baptist Church yesterday morning in order to spread the love to those less fortunate where a Thanksgiving meal and clothes were given out.  Wild Bill was such an encouragement to me because he was not what I would call a normal homeless man.  He experiences so much freedom in his relationship with the LORD that he is confident that if he gave away his blanket, his clothes, all his money and possessions, that God would keep him and provide for him.  As he spoke to me, he made deep eye-contact with loving and concerned eyes and repeatedly pointed to my heart when he was telling me the importance of love and forgiveness.  He says that somebody like me can't reach certain people the way God has allowed him to reach people, being homeless.  I won't forget him walking away, short stature, smiling, pointing to his heart, and walking away.  May God continue to provide for him.  I also talked to an older gentleman from Jamaica who had gotten a meal.  His name, to my surprise was Andrew too.  Very nice man and claimed to have a relationship with the LORD. 
Here in Brentwood, there are many unique names, including the name "Unique".  Many hard to spell, pronounce.  Some here even change their names or go by a nickname.  One guy at the courts is nicknamed "V-I" since he's from the Virgin Islands.  I think of men in the Bible where God changed their names for them.  Abram was promised by God to be the father of a great nation, numbering greater than the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore.  His name was changed to Abraham, which means "the father of many nations."  For the rest of his life, his name would be a reminder of God's promise.  Sarai (Abram's wife) became Sarah.  Jacob became Israel.  Saul became Paul.  Many of these changes reflect a new calling or a description of what one has done or is destined to do.  My name is Andrew, given to me by my parents, meaning "manly" or "strong."  I don't think my mom gave birth and then thought, "Hmm, this looks like a strong and manly baby, let's name him Andrew," but I'm grateful for the name nonetheless.  I don't know if God will give us new names in heaven (there is some speculation about Revelation 2:17), but even if we don't, what name would God give me?  How does God see me?  How did He make me unique?  Around here, different people call me Andrew, Drew (two-yr old Jalen who can't pronounce Andrew), Mr. Andrew (two:fifty-two students), and lil Volms (fellow intern Tiara, or, T $ mini yo-yo) (inside jokes sorry).  Wild Bill was obviously not his birth name but is known by that in the streets.  When I hear the name of an old friend that I haven't seen or heard in a long time, I'm instantly transported in my memory of who that person was a factor in my life.
I love all the names I hear.  Even the names within our own after-school program are pretty sweet.  Rayshantia, Challah, Chassidy, Alexzandyr, Charity, Diallo, and Emery.  Unfortunately, Jovonta is no longer coming to the after-school program since she needed more time to do homework.  She is probably the one I'd be least worried about leaving since she works so well on her own anyway, but it's still tough to know she won't be as invested in as she was before.  I ask you if you'd join me in continuing to pray for her schooling and development and that Christ would reveal Himself to her.  So we are down to seven kids.  Seven.  (Also a name George Costanza wanted to give his first child).  Anyway, the number 7 has great significance in the Bible.  Often used for completion.(
Now, with my history of loving numbers and statistics, I feel I should be more concerned with the low number of students in our program.  I mean, Jacksonville is huge and we are investing in only seven.  Thankfully, the reduction has not concerned me at all.  More time can be given to each kid.  Also in the Bible, I think of how God uses small numbers and sizes to show his glory and power.  A few examples I can think of are David and Goliath (obvious).  The beginning of 1 Samuel 14 is incredible.  Jonathan and his young armor-bearer (2 people) go up against the Philistine army with faith that God has handed the army over to them and start their killing, causing confusion.  Moses, having a speaking problem, delivered Israelites from Egypt.  The list goes on.  2 Kings 6:15-20, a city was surrounded by horses and chariots ready to attack.  God, after Elisha prayed, made the oncoming army blind and led them elsewhere and then opened their eyes.  Most are familiar with the miracle of Jesus feeding the four thousand and the five thousand with just a little bread and fish.  God uses little to accomplish much.  He uses the weak to lead the strong.  I pray that the small number of students in our program encourages you and us to have a faith that is grateful that God is concerned for the weak and small and can work in huge ways.

Emery is the last of the kids that I have yet to introduce.  He is in fourth grade and is the nephew of one of 2nd Mile directors.  He might have the highest reading level of anyone, one of four 4th graders at proficiency at his school (highest level), grasps math very well, and has a vivid imagination.  This imagination, however, causes him to get easily distracted.  He loves dragons, yugi-oh cards, drawing pictures of dragons.  He is definitely unique in how God made him.  He's sensitive when others tease him.  He's a bigger (taller) kid and has a powerful kickball leg and baseball swing, but has pretty messy handwriting.  He uses capital letters randomly in words and spaces letters wrong.  He is capable, just not motivated to improve the things that he struggles with.  Who is?

                                                        (Emery winding up for a kick)

I leave you, praying that you have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Thank God for allowing you to even have family or friends.  If this is a rough time for you, just know that God is able and God is willing to lift you up, all you have to do is be still.  Exodus 14:14 is beautiful in saying, "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Love you all, and go packers!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and "unique", Andrew! I praise God for your willingness to get everything out of and give everything to this outreach program. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences! I will continue to keep in my prayers you and the people with whom you come in contact.

    Cousin Katie
