Monday, June 5, 2023

May 2023 - Another Year in the Books

I like numbers.

Looking back:

two:fiftytwo After School Program-

    -12th year completed

    -17 students this past year, (12 new students)

    -95 students in all those years

Middle School Programs - 

    -10th year completed

    -134 students total

High School Programs -

    -6th year completed

    -58 students total

This year I've felt old more often than I can remember. Kids that were 5 years old back when I met them in 2010 at camp are now graduating high school. This past month of ministry had some great moments. Probably my favorite time in May was at our Action Day in the garden on a Sunday. We've done this before, had the Ville Church give a quick message amongst the vegetation and then had the congregation pulling weeds, but this time we finally put our grill to good use. The youngens did a scavenger hunt for different plants and items in the garden. The more comfortably dressed adults did some weeding and mulching. Other prepped the food. The block was out and about as well wondering what was going on at their street. Neighbors enjoyed our spare hotdogs and got to have a few conversations with them. I look forward to the next church in the garden where we can potentially bring in the neighbors.

Another highlight for me was our recent trip to St. Augustine with the middle and high school students. We ziplined over some alligators on a ropes course and even though a couple of the students weren't able to finish the course, there was an overwhelming sense of pride in their overcoming their fears. The training was a lot of information, and for students who don't often trust their full body weight to some unfamiliar gear and a 30ft drop over a cement parking, I'd imagine that'd be a huge leap to take. Super proud of them. 

I was reminded the last week of school just how fast the year had gone. I feel like I was just getting to know the kids and now they are out for summer. Luckily I saw that a few of them signed up for camp so the loss will be short-lived. These kids have so much life in them. Everything new to them seems exciting. Every mundane task we do, they are eager to help and participate. Any place we walk, they are close to follow. I don't take this job lightly, as I know that every action, every word, every emotion I show, I want God to use for his glory. Over the years, I've felt more patient, less ticked off by frustrating behavior. Maybe I've seen it all? Maybe I'm too tired to deal with it? Maybe having my own kid forces me to be more slow to anger and quick to listen?

With our 14th year of Summer Day Camp coming up next week, I can't believe the quantity of fun that has been had on our courtyard, the number of cheers, the laughs, the singing, the dancing, the praising God, the playing. I pray that it is a sweet sound in our Lord's ears. Please pray for our campers (excited to include Max this year), our summer staff which will include high school students, and the parents of our kids to feel loved and blessed this summer. If you're interested in contributing to camp in some way, you can sponsor a kid at camp. You can go to and donate up to $200 for a full sponsorship, $100 for a half sponsorship, or $50 for a quarter sponsorship (or any amount you'd like). And if you're unable to give at the moment, please send God some prayer for us, for strength, for focus, for wisdom, for good teamwork, for God's love to be poured out into our hearts.

Ziplining crew

David and Daliyah building a ball rack

Our last day at the garden for the year

Church in the garden was lit!

Kindergarten graduation is now a thing. Love this boy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrew! Just read this one...catching up since I really don't do real well at getting to my emails! I do a lot of FB and not email! Sorry...but I finally did read this one and onto the June one. Sent a donation for summer camp or whatever need it fills! Hope you are enjoying the summer...we sure are doing so and just had a nice 4th! Next weekend is Isaiah's 8th birthday on the 8th...Mandy's guy! Also going to see the movie, "Sound of Freedom" with some lady friends! Do you know about the movie regarding the underground railroad and its founder Tim Ballard who is on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers! I'm sure Missy would want to see it!
    We'll talk later about it!
