Monday, March 1, 2021

February in pictures

Ever since Summer Day Camp 2020, a lot of ministry and prep has looked like the following two pictures--divvying up individualized supplies for each participant, put them in a box, and then either delivery the boxes or have them picked up. Then, participants collectively get on a zoom call, and we do an activity together. Our two:fiftytwo After School Program is currently doing it, and I'm doing this as well with our BLOCK Middle and High School program.
To be very transparent about ministry during the pandemic, some roadblocks we've hit have been:
1.) Us being able to get into the schools (for volunteering or connections and communication with teachers)
2.) Students having internet access at home, or a device that would allow them to be on zoom.
3.) A large enough indoor space and the means to allow for a program to be run safely in person. 

However, roadblocks, quite literally, allow for new detours and roads to reach our destination. Some new avenues that the pandemic have allowed for us are: 
1.) Extending our reach to students outside of our immediate neighborhood who wouldn't have been able to come to our programs in person due to distance. 
2.) Being able to find grants that specifically help non-profits continue their work and be innovative with outreach.
3.) Time for future-planning, dreaming, and vision in our programs for when the pandemic dissipates.
Taking over BLOCK in January, I've taken to zoom meetings with a certain level of enjoyment. Being interactive and making up activities has been enjoyable so far and the students that come have seemingly enjoyed the time and keep coming back with enthusiasm. I've felt a great sense of freedom for planning and executing lessons. Every opportunity I can, I get the students' input on things they want to do and learn. For February, they gave suggestions for movies for an outdoor movie night, and of the four choices, the final vote was The Croods 2: A New Age. Our movie night in December had about 35 people at it, and this time there were about 50. We were still social distanced, but since it was a little warmer out (sorry rest of the country), we replaced hot chocolate with flavored lemonade. Popcorn with all the fixins was still a huge hit, as kids put anything from marshmallows to hot cheetos (and often both) in their popcorn. I can't wait for the next one.

And finally, the last big part of February for me, Max turned four years old?!? He is growing up so fast and he definitely makes parenting actually fun and enjoyable. We are making slow progress with eating and potty training, but it is progress. Thank you for continued prayers. There's a whole lot more that 2nd Mile is doing besides what I'm doing with BLOCK and hopefully I'll be able to make a longer blog the next time and include everything that's going's a lot.


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