Friday, September 27, 2019


Connect Middle School Program: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." -1 John 1:9. For the month, of September, our middle school students have been working on memorizing this verse. The topic that received the most votes from the students to learn about was the topic of confessing sins. We looked up verses about what sin is, learned not only the ten commandments, but also a plethora of other sins. They each took a "Life Test", as if in school where they answered relevant yes or no questions such as, "Have you ever cheated on homework before?" The point of this activity was to show them just how difficult and even impossible it is to live a perfect life. We all "failed" our tests. A perfect score gets us to heaven; a test with even one wrong bans us. I showed the students what the test of Jesus's test might look like. All of his answers were "No" and he got a 100%. I asked the students that if Jesus was willing to trade test scores with them, would they do it? Students gave a quick "Yes!" Confessing sins should be a consistent practice. If I can't think of at least one way I sinned today, that is not representative of a life without sin, it is probably a representation of how little I consider my sin nature in every day life. We at Connect have continued to write our sins on our giant wooden cross which hopefully will be completely covered by the end of the year.

Another thing that's been incorporated into the program is Read to Lead, a computer program that allows the students to become a boss of a non-profit organization that solves community problems. This month, they learned how to delegate jobs to others based on their experiences and expertise. There was a devastating flood in this fictional town and medical and food supplies needed to be transported to a community center. This program is awesome and I recommend it for anyone teaching middle school and up.

Learning how to put together a basketball rack
Leadership Development: I'm not sure if I've mentioned this is a previous blog, but if so, it's still good to remind you of this. Since the beginning of summer, 2nd Mile has put together a committee of students (ranging from elementary all the way to high school) to help plan our annual Family Fall Festival. In an attempt to encourage students to see themselves not just as future leaders but as present leaders, we filled a giant white board wall with ideas for food, activities, attractions, strategies, etc. Some good, some great, and some very creative but impractical. (Not sure if we could get celebrities to come, but I like the way they think). Since becoming a father, leadership development has been closer to the forefront of my mind. Any time I do something, I want Max with me, seeing me do it, naming the tools or items being used, and if he's able, I have him help me. Max helps me put clothes from the washer into the dryer, he helps me put forks, bowls, plates away from the dishwasher, he brushes his front teeth, then his bottoms, then his tops, then his tongue, then he spits. I've even seen him try to teach his stuffed animals how to brush their teeth, how to put "their" toys away. This is the whole point, teaching kids something new, so that one day, they have the skills to teach the next group of kids. My hope with the middle school students is to teach them how to set up the projector and how to prepare snack not to make my job easier (many times it makes my job longer and more difficult), but in order that they too can become teachers of these different skills. I'm hoping to incorporate more types of leadership development, giving them the chance to teach everyone a game, or even lead a Bible lesson.

Max update: What would a blog entry be without something going wrong with Max. He broke a bone in his left hand falling down a few steps at a playground, so now he is sporting a pretty solid blue cast. It will come off in a couple weeks. Probably more traumatized than hurt, Max is living life so full that you wouldn't even realize he hurt himself (save for evidence of a cast).

Finally, if you are a giving person, we have compiled a list of sports equipment that we'd be interested in. Since having more open courts and people coming through our building, things get worn out more quickly. Check it out! Some things don't cost much at all.
2nd Mile Sports Equipment List

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