Saturday, February 11, 2017

Special Guest

Well hello there! This is Missi, Andrew's wife, and I will be making a guest appearance today. I am not much of a blogger so bear with me. I know Andrew typically talks about 2nd Mile Ministries and his current life events. As he mentioned in a previous blog, we had some difficulties in pregnancy this year. We have two little ones in Heaven and one on the way here. This little one, Hope, as we call it, is a modest baby, partially because at 23 weeks we still don't know the gender. It likes to cross its legs during the ultrasounds. Yes, I know Hope is typically a girl's name but at the beginning of this pregnancy, we decided no matter what happened our hope would be in Jesus. We were so blessed and joyful that we made it past the dreaded 11 week mark.

Unfortunately, four weeks ago, my water broke (21 weeks early) but were blessed that I did not go into labor right away. Until 24 weeks the survival rate is below 30% and if it came now.  Baby Hope has been a fighter, constantly reminding me of God's glory. We need your help. Obviously, God is in control and so we desperately need your prayers. Whatever the Lord has planned for us, we will glorify Him.

He has blessed us with time and wonderful friends and family who have been incredibly selfless towards us during this experience. Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for the wonderful people in our lives. They have served us constantly and showered us with love. I am amazed at the incredible people God has put in our lives.

Every time that I feel like giving up, the Lord reminds me of His greatness--either through time with Him or encouragement from a loved one. This experience, while difficult, has definitely led to precious time with the Lord. Each day, He has reminded me of His goodness and all of the blessings he has given me. He has definitely slowed down my life and shown me how I need to appreciate every day we get with Baby Hope.

Monday, we (I) go into the hospital so the doctors can do more preventative care. I am thankful for all they will do but it will not be easy for me to transition from the comfort of my home and precious time with Andrew to an unfamiliar place in which I do not know what to expect. I do not do well with change and have issues with anxiety. I would love for God to let me know ahead of time what to expect but that's not how He works. So, I pray that I lean firmly on His will and not give into fear.

Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."

Thank you for reading this!
I will be praying for you as well.


  1. There is a very large family over here praying and rallying for you, Missi, as we know all too well the emotional difficulty every aspect of this is. As well, we're calling for little "Hope" to fight and stick around here for many years to come!
    You both are a special and beautiful couple that deserves oodles of joy and happiness and we all hope it'll come to you in this tiny little package bearing 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes.
    With so much love, Aimee, James, Maverick
    And the whole 'Block' clan over here!

    1. Amen and well said, Aimee!! Just to let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you, Missi and Andrew! Baby Hope has a lot of love coming his/her way! We are here for, Aunt Sue and Uncle Joe
