Monday, January 19, 2015


I've been told by music teachers that thinking about musical mistakes you made earlier in the song while you're still playing the song is a lot like going for a run but turning your head backwards; you might run into a pole, or make even more musical mistakes.  If life is one big song, I think there is something to that, not letting the past control your present.  But if I don't look back ever, I might not know where I'm going.

On New Years Day, 2015, the staff members of 2nd Mile Ministries went on our annual retreat where we discussed what we've seen God do in 2014 and what we hope to see happen in 2015.  Being a person that focuses much of his energy on what is going wrong and how to fix it, I was blessed with the time to reflect on all the good God was doing.  As I meditated and created a list, I realized that not everything on my list would be considered "good".  Let me explain.  After Thanksgiving, I could barely use my right wrist (from an intense racquetball competition with my brother).  That meant I couldn't shoot a basketball, throw a football, lift even mildly heavy objects, play piano for longer than a few minutes.  It was bad...but it wasn't.  About a month later, I went to the basketball court to just try and shoot around.  My wrist felt a lot better and I praised God for allowing me to go through so much physical and mental pain.  I would've never been thankful for God giving me a functional wrist otherwise.

When God revealed my idols to me.
Providing many new and interested families to the ministry.
Getting to experience the best day of my life, June 21, 2014.
Two new healthy nieces in my life.
Getting to experience a terrible 2013-2014 school year, contrasted by a great 2014-2015 school year.
Building relationships with many kids in our programs.
Seeing some improving and visible reconciliation with family.

These are just a few of them.  When I take time to reflect on God's goodness, man!, it's awesome.  None of these things I can say, "Yeah, I did that.  I made that happen."  It's all God.

At the library
Before winter break, we took our kids to the Brentwood Library where presentations were given about how different countries and cultures celebrate the holidays.  It made me think a lot about how I celebrate Christmas and why.  Why do we do the things we do?  Open presents, put a tree in the house, etc.  Although it may have legit reasons, I doubt we eat candy canes to remember Jesus.  The students had a great time learning, and especially eating all the different kinds of treats.  I feel very blessed to be working in a place that allows for so much conversation about God and who he is.  Pray that the kids would grow to learn not only what the gospel is, but that God would come into their lives and redeem them in some beautiful ways.
For the days leading up to Christmas, I got to spend them with Missi and her parents in Naples, FL.  This was my first non-Wisconsin Christmas in my life.  Sure I missed the snow and our traditional family gatherings, but it was very enjoyable.  We went to see the Packers play the Bucs in Tampa Bay.  As a family, we played some golf (also a first), and best of all, just got to spend more time with each other.  Getting married has been an amazing experience so far, joining two lives, two families, two different worlds together.  I'm excited to see how the journey continues.  On January 9th, 2015, Missi and I got the privilege to see my baby sister get married.  Erin and Michael had a beautiful wedding, but not because of the baby blue colors, not the snow-covered photos (thanks Erin), not the gathering of family and friends, and not even because Erin and Michael are a beautiful and happy couple.  No.  Their wedding was beautiful for the perfect reasons.  "But Andrew, what reason is that?  I really really want to know.  Could you please tell me what that reason is?"  Whoa, slow down.  I'll tell you after a short elementary-level science lesson.
Do you know why it is dark in outer space?  There are stars and the sun (which is a star), so why so dark?  Perhaps obvious, but because there is nothing in space for the light to reflect off of.  The fact is, anything that you can see is either producing light, thus shining into your eyes, or reflecting off an object and into your eyes.  This computer/phone/ipad screen is shining into your eyes.  If you turn off all the lights in your room, it may appear dark, but after your eyes adjust, you might be able to faintly see objects because of a weak light source somewhere (maybe a distant streetlight).  Certain things produce light, other reflect it.  A great example of this is the moon.  Light appears to come from the moon, but really it's just the sun reflecting off the white rock and towards earth into our awe-filled eyes.  Last Friday, we learned about the basic principles of light, that it was created by God, how to use it for different purposes whether it be a sundial for time, a torch for visibility, or a bug zapper for--well, you know.  To the left is a picture of our light activity we did on Friday.  We turned all the lights out and tried to bounce light from one spot of the room into this tunnel of tables.  Using flashlights, a mirror, and a piece of glass, the students positioned themselves in order to pass the most light from one object to the next.  The student that got to be in the tunnel did nothing but lay back and witness the light.

Me and mah wittle sis
What I saw at the wedding was not Erin and Michael's wedding.  They were more like the rocky surface of the moon, or the steady water from a lake that reflects beautiful mountains.  Although a long ceremony, every moment of it was beautiful.  I love you, Erin.  It's amazing to see how you've grown from an annoying tattle-tale who was destined for eternity without Jesus to a humble follower of Christ.  I was watching the image of the eventual marriage between Christ and the church, what marriage is a symbol of in the first place.  Why we throw bouquets and have flower girls and do the chicken dance is similar to hanging peppermint and glass balls on pine trees.  Not sure why we do it, but their wedding definitely brought attention to "why a wedding?", "why a marriage?".  "Glad you asked, this is about Jesus, not us."  Thank you guys for reminding me and letting us see something more beautiful and eternal.

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