This school year is the 4th year of our program! It started back in the 2011-2012 school year. Although 12 total kids were a part of the program that first year, the most kids we had on any given day was 10. In the 2012-2013 school year, we had 11 kids, but two of them left the program, so a typical day meant about 9 kids. The next year, 2013-2014, comes around and 15 kids at some point were in the program. Due to kids signing up and leaving at various points of the school year, we maybe would have 10 or 11 at most on any given day. This school year, although it's difficult to say if all the students that are signed up will be in the program the entire year, we have 17 kids signed up, and on most days they all show up!
Why is having 17 kids such a significant difference from last year? Well, those of you who are teachers may have anywhere from 15 to 25 students in their classroom that you need to teach. This year, we decided to open up registration to students that attend neither Brentwood nor North Shore Elementary. The only requirement would be that they live within our ministry's target area, the Brentwood neighborhood. Our 15-passenger van can seat 13 students, a driver (me), and a passenger. This is the first year that all of the seats are full. The remaining 4 students get dropped off at the program because of this new rule of being allowed to attend different schools.
I've been a volunteer of the program for two years, and this is my second year directing/co-directing. With three years under my belt, this fourth year has thrown me a few curve balls. First, both Brentwood and North Shore are in session for an extra hour this year due to test scores last year. This means the after school program had to be designed to still carry out our mission to Live the truth of the gospel, Learn as scholars, and Lead their community forward, with an hour less of program time. Second challenge, we have 17 kids! Seven of them are in 2nd grade (the most we've ever had) and five of them are in 5th grade (the most we've ever had). With a wide range of behaviors, grades, skill levels, leadership abilities, and knowledge, it can be difficult to expect similar things from everyone. With each student being so unique, so much attention of them is required in order for them to thrive in every way, intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially (Luke 2:52).
My responsibilities during the program consist of running the schedule, transitioning the kids to the next parts of the program, and talking to the kids who have moved their clips down twice. On some days, I can go home feeling disheartened about the result mainly because I've had to talk to three or four kids that have been displaying disrespect or attitude problems. I often forget about the other twelve kids having a good day because I don't get to see them as much.
In my efforts to blog and update more often, it is my hope that at some point from now until June 2015 that I will talk about each of the 17 students in more depth, how you can pray for them, and also praise God for them. Hopefully this will keep me accountable to continue writing.

I hope you have a blessed weekend.
More numbers!!!
-37 different students have been through the two:fiftytwo After School Program since 2011 (18 boys, 19 girls).
-24 of those 37 have had either a sibling, cousin, or relative in the program with them at some point (we intentionally try to build relationships with families).
-9 of the students have been in the program for more than one school year (Six for more than two years, two since the program's inception).
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