Saturday, February 2, 2013

Divine Assurance for a Little Suffering

This past week, I was confronted with a certain topic--suffering.  This is something that I've definitely thought about in my life, but I wouldn't say that my "suffering" would be anything comparable to what many people in the world go through on a daily basis.  On Monday, I had a rough day, but when I explain what happened, you probably will think I need to toughen up or just let it go.  During academic time at the after school program, I was paired up with Diallo, a 5th grade boy who I enjoy working and building relationship with.  Now granted, he had a difficult day at school with attitude so I shouldn't have expected much improved behavior.  It also happened that this week, the staff and volunteers were focusing on discipline and not letting things slide (something I'm guilty of doing).  "Diallo, I need you to stop distracting Charity from doing her homework."  He wouldn't stop.  "Diallo, please work on your worksheet on stop distracting Charity."  Nothing.  "Diallo, because you aren't following directions and not being respectful to me or Charity, move your clip (clothespin) down and then you need to have a conversation with Mr. Marc."  He was not happy.  The rest of the day, he needed to work with someone else and he handled himself better as the day went on.  We didn't talk much that day, Diallo and me, but I left work feeling like something was broken, not sure what.  I think I tend to worry a lot before I remember don't to worry about anything because what good will it do? (Matthew 6:25-34)  I was worried about how things would be between us in the coming days, weeks.  Would this feeling of trust dwindle?
In a smiley mood

That night I was hanging out with my girlfriend, Missi and as I was being dropped off back home, our drive got interrupted by bright revolving blue and red lights, which reflected off of everything, including some yellow tape blocking off certain streets.  We had to go an extra couple of blocks to avoid this temporary golden boundary.  As we edged streets with tape, we saw lots of people out on the street.  I don't often see these situations as they're happening but in my mind I was thinking, Shooting?  A cop chase?  I found out the next day that there was a shootout between the police and a guy who ended up dying from the confrontation.  Tuesday nights, we have Bible study at our house and during this week's session the pastor mentioned the shooting and it turned out that three or four people attending the Bible study knew the guy by name, probably not personally though.  His "name" was Amp and he was a drug-dealer, to my understanding.  I'm not condoning Amp's actions and choices at all, but I did think about what he must have suffered up to this point and how often times, the circumstances and life experiences you have often can shape who you are and decide whether or not you will be given opportunities to "make it".  He was out of jail, "Not going back unless you kill me first," was his last verbal altercation.  This crazy happening left me asking myself the question, "Is what I went through suffering?"  I'm sorry to report, I do not have an answer on that.

I know that I haven't experienced much hurt and pain in the ways many in my neighborhood do, but I feel that what I felt on Monday with Diallo, it wasn't just nothing.  My heart is for these kids and when their world isn't providing them the instruction, support, love, and encouragement they need, it attempts to eat away at my hope.  Lord, please be my strength when all just seems to be going wrong and I have little hope and even littler faith.

H.B. Charles, our pastor at Shiloh, has always amazed me and shown me very clearly how God wants to communicate to the church.  His message on Wednesday entitled, "Divine Assurance for a Little Suffering" met me and my heart for the two:fiftytwo kids.  His three points, his three beautiful points were 1.) God loves you in the midst of your suffering. 2.) God puts a limit on your suffering (temporary). And 3.) God builds you through your suffering.  Not only does H.B. make his outlines clear and easy to remember for pondering throughout the week, but what I love is how much out of the spotlight he wants to be.  God is so evidently at work saturating and sanctifying the church in and through scripture.  For your devotion if you'd like some verses he put out there on this topic of suffering, here's a quick list.  Please, if you read one, please try to read them all at some point.  Perhaps be challenged to take on one a day, unless you are already in some kind of reading plan.
1 Peter 5:10-11
Ephesians 6:10-11
Romans 8:28 (one that's been big for me this year in ministry)
1 Peter 5:8-9
Hebrews 4:16
John 1:16
Ephesians 2:8-9
1 Corinthians 15:9-10
2 Corinthians 8:1
2 Corinthians 12:9
Colossians 4:6
1 Peter 4:12
Philippians 1:29
Psalm 30:5
Isaiah 40:31
Romans 8:18
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Galatians 6:9
1 Peter 2:9

I don't know if what I went through on Monday was suffering, but I know it is only temporary and God often uses the suffering to strengthen you in ways you wouldn't even expect.  I pray for those of you who are secretly suffering yet putting on a face to others as if alright.  I do this all the time too.  God is there and will see you through it.

Diallo trying to make a straight face
The real Diallo unmasked

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