Sunday, April 29, 2012

God's grace

I fly back to Milwaukee, on an airplane, May 17th in order to make it in time for a friend's wedding that weekend.  I will be in Wisconsin until August 5th.  In case you have yet to hear it directly from me or through the grapevine, I am coming back to Jacksonville at the end of the summer to join staff with 2nd Mile Ministries!  I'm so excited to come home and see family and friends that I've missed this year, but I'm actually even more excited to share with you, hopefully face-to-face, my heart for this neighborhood but more importantly what God has been doing in Pearl World.

I have a confession to make.  There are so many times I forget to or just don't thank God for the things he pulls me through, the ample resources he graces me with, and also the experiences he gives me.  I know I've been bad at this this year, but for those of you that have been praying for me, the ministry, the neighborhood, or the two:fiftytwo kids, you are so appreciated by us.  There are so many intentional things God does in our lives that sometimes they go over our heads.  I've been living here in Brentwood by the grace of God as well as the financial support of many of you.  I can honestly say that I wouldn't and couldn't be here impacting the kids, families, and schools without your support.  Cliche sounding as it may, I couldn't have done this year without you.  You trusted that God was moving in me and the ministry, or maybe you were just being nice (both appreciated), and helped me as you could.  Have peace in the fact that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7).  In five days, I'm going to a "Boot Camp" conference in Atlanta, Georgia for two days, 8am-6pm both days in lecture-intensive seminars learning the biblical way to support raise.  I've already spent about 35 hours in personal study on the subject with the help of some books.  It's been comforting to know Paul, Jesus, and many disciples lived on the support of other people at critical times in their ministry.

There have been many moments this year where I've felt worthless and alone, but then God used some of you to give me a call/email/text of encouragement or prayer that was unexpected.  Thank you for all you've done for me, not just financially, but through your thoughts and prayers.  The fact of the matter is, if you are currently supporting me, just know that my internship here with 2nd Mile Ministries end in about a month, but my journey towards staff begins.  If you would be in the process of thinking and praying about (pastor Francis Chan calls this "prinking") supporting me once again, I know the Lord will bless you.  If you have been blessed at all by the things you've read or heard, or if you've shown someone in one of your circles this blog or told them about me, I'd love to meet with you/them and invite you to join my support team.  I can't do this alone.  I don't think anyone could.

Please pray that God would take away any fears that I have of support-raising this summer which include worrying that asking for help will somehow ruin my relationship with that person and also the fears of trying to do this without God's help.

There's a good chance I will contact you...and I'm so excited for the chance to connect/reconnect and invite you to my support team.  Love you guys.  Thanks again.


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