Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Beacons are Lit! 2nd Mile calls for aid!


In the lifetime of 2nd Mile Ministries, it has never had a permanent home. Ever since 2003, 2nd Mile has been conducted at the park, in the living room of a ministry house, a no-longer-used firehouse, and is currently in the rented basement of another church. Having a specific focus on the Brentwood neighborhood for 20 years, we have seen tremendous growth in relationships with local families, other local organizations, and nearby churches. It is quite humbling to have former students and their families return with fond memories of the ministry and all the love that was shown.

A rare and special opportunity has been dropped in our laps. Just a few blocks from our current operations, and directly across the street from our partner The Ville Church, a building has gone up for sale. The seller is from the neighborhood, actually had memories growing up playing basketball at our current location long before 2nd Mile existed, and is happy and willing to sell the building to an organization that will benefit the neighborhood.

The housing market has been crazy the past few years. Prices have gone up. I get random calls from out of state people trying to buy the house I live in. We are slowly turning into Mr. Potter's world from It's a Wonderful Life where less and less people in our neighborhood own their homes, rent has gone up, and people are forced out, some to the extreme of homelessness. So when we heard that a building of that size was being sold for $300,000, knowing that the seller could get way more from other businesses, we felt we had to at least put it before the Lord and weigh in on if this would/could be our future home. We're not sure when another opportunity like this will come about.

We've had a city inspector, private inspector, general contractor, structural engineer, and roofer all look at the building. The bones are good. Because it's an old building, there will be renovations and some repairs to be made. Right now, we need to raise about $300,000 by November 15th, 2023. Wow, that's a large amount. I'm well aware. That deadline isn't much time. Again, I know. This is the biggest ask in the shortest amount of time in our 20 year history as an organization. In all honesty, the seller has given us a lot of grace and time to have first dibs on the building, as there are others licking their chops, waiting to poach the building. We've raised about $35,000 already. The total estimated price including renovations would be approximately $600,000, but the purchase price is $300,000.

Since I like numbers, that's:
2 gifts at $50,000 = $100,000
2 gifts at $25,000 =   $50,000
3 gifts at $15,000 =   $45,000
3 gifts at $10,000 =   $30,000
3 gifts at   $7,500 =   $22,500
2 gifts at   $5,000 =   $10,000
3 gifts at   $2,500 =     $7,500
18 gifts                 = $265,000 remaining

I know we serve a big God. I know that God will use this building to glorify His name in Brentwood. God has been in the neighborhood before 2nd Mile. God doesn't need us to complete His mission. But time and time again, I've seen Him make such beautiful things in our neighborhood even more beautiful. I've seen Him lead students to want to live lives serving and helping others.

We've already had students tour the building. Regardless of the outcome of raising this money, the future of Brentwood will be influenced by those already here. We did some vision-casting, imagining the endless possibilities for a hollow, cubed-shaped canvas.

Please consider giving. If you don't feel like you fit as one of those 18 people in the numbers above, we will look at any donation with great thankfulness. If you want to hear more about the building, the process, the ministry, future plans, I'd love to tell you more. I'm an open book.

You can either write a check to 2nd Mile Ministries and send to 1650 Margaret St. Suite 302 #339, Jacksonville, FL 32204 or you can go to 2nd Mile Ministries and make a one time donation there.

Vision casting at potential new building, currently being used by a company that makes wooden pallets