Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April 2023 - One=A thousand=One

Imagine if your life lasted one thousand years. If you're 35 like me, that's nearly 30 lives of what I've currently lived. If you're 50 years old, 20 lives. Think of all that would happen in your life--all the work, all the laughs, all the people you'd meet and build relationships with. There could be probably hundreds of books written about each person's 1000 year lifespan. In 2 Peter 3:8 it says that, to God, each day is like 1000 years, and also 1000 years is like a day. He sees the intricate details of a child tripping and getting back up just as easily as He sees civilizations rise and fall. Slow motion and time lapse.
If I try to wrap my head around everything that God holds in His hands in a moment, my brain sometimes turns off at the shear scope of it all. However, my desire to see what God sees often gets piqued. First Corinthians 13:12 says, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." That's crazy to me. Not only are we fully known by God, but one day we will see Him face to face and we will understand fully the wonders and mysteries of Him. Do I strive to know God more and more on earth, or accept that I can't know everything and rest? The times I sit back and rest, God whispers His presence and draws me in more and more.

Ok Andrew, what are you going on about? Well, something's happening with Open Court and I can't explain it. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I've had visions of people in the neighborhood coming together and having a good time regularly, playing basketball, playing games, just being around each other, living life. But many of the Open Courts this year have seemed lackluster, and low attendance. But since praying back in February for help from God, knowing I'm not good at advertising or recruiting, God sent a group of young guys that same day, as they walked by the church asking if they could play basketball. These same boys have been back each month since, inviting more as they come. Last Friday, we had more people playing basketball than we've ever had. I couldn't just turn my brain off at the strangeness of it. Maybe it was a one-off. Maybe that many won't come again, but for one night, it felt like heaven. Andrew, it's just people playing basketball. Oh it's so much more than that, I can't explain it. Students from the after school program were there, the program director was there, an original 2nd Mile student from 2003, a former intern from 2010, former summer day campers, and that group of new students. It felt similar to my wedding when special people from different moments in my life came together for one event. Do I remember the song playlist from the reception? Not important. Did I play well at Open Court? Honestly I don't remember and I don't care.

What did God see last Friday? I feel like I got a small glimpse. I'll admit, there are many moments at work and at home that get lost on me and I don't see the point in the monotony. Here are a few moments from April that God sees as a thousand years, and I haven't quite seen through His eyes yet. 
During trust falls during Talking Circles, all I see are smiles (none forced)

Rod (interned with me in 2010) made a surprise visit to hoop

Destini (4th) and David (3rd) plant peaches and cream corn seeds

Look at the last 24 hours of your life. Where do you see His playing a part?