Sunday, August 21, 2016

Whoever has ears, let them hear

So much has been going on in my life and in the life of 2nd Mile Ministries.  I've never been one to participate in discussions of any kind of importance.  I've never mastered the back-and-forth of a conversation.  As we are surrounded by media, agendas, issues, and just general darkness, it has been difficult for me to make sense of it, like I'm navigating through thicker and thicker fog.  I think human nature is to only carry the burdens that you want to carry.  You may hurt for an individual going through a struggle, but then you hear about a big catastrophe and sometimes it's easier to be thankful it wasn't you and just move on.  As Olympians are caught doping, politicians abandon integrity, and people respond to their fears with aggression, waiting for the next scandal, offensive words, or incredibly tragic news story builds up the muscle memory of our hearts to care less and less, wince less frequently, and get frustrated at our inability to change.

With very little experiential hope of a complete transformation of the world, a great awakening, if you will, I can take comfort knowing and seeing transformation happen on a small scale in the Brentwood neighborhood.  I am more and more convinced of this the longer I'm in ministry, but the love of Jesus is the answer.  I would say that love in general is the answer, but the kind of love that Jesus has given us, the kind that always flows and never runs out, always gives and never takes, and always considers the other rather than the self is the only kind that can bring true redemption, reconciliation, recovery, and real growth.

Challenge Circle with Darien (boy on right) leading his team in cheers
Pretty much the entire month of July, we held our 8th Annual Summer Day Camp.  I led the Sports and Education stations this year, while heading up Challenge Circle many days as well.  Many of the kids were brand new to 2nd Mile and it has led to some very cool connections.  There were also some students that have been with us for over five years.  The bond that we've had with them has grown more and more.  Outside of immediate family, people that will probably have the most influence on a kid will be their teachers (who many only have for one year of their life), a coach (who may coach them a few years), or a mentor/tutor type of person.  I've had the privilege of seeing firsthand how relationships grow, how God makes each individual unique with gifts and passions, and how trust is mutually developed over a longer period of time.  When a kid knows you are there for them year after year, a transformation begins to happen.  They become more and more like the people who show up for them.  That's why it's so important for Christians (whether a newborn in the faith or a mature one) to remain in Christ, so we are more like him and see just how trust-worthy he is.

Water Day, a must at camp in Florida
The mission is not just for missionaries.  The mission is to make Christ known, who he is and what he has done, and what that means for sinners like us.  You can create stricter and more detailed laws, you can have an open dialogue across racial lines, you can throw money at any kind of problem, but where true growth happens, it's gotta be out of the love that was so freely given to us.  Pride is like headphones in a conversation.  I'm right and anything you say that slightly contradicts me, I'm ready with my defense, my blame-shifting, my justification.  Sometimes the best way to love someone is just to listen.  Every person has a story.  Every person has a song.  They may have nobody around them to hear them sing it.  As the years go by, my song includes the melodies and chord progressions of the songs I witness here.  As I write my blogs and sing my song, know that it includes some of what I'm seeing here.  In a place where people are forgotten, ignored, or dismissed as not good enough, I hope to get this song stuck in your head.  I pray you have the opportunity and courage to listen to those who may not have a loud voice yet their song is powerful, to those whose song clashes with yours challenging its overarching truth, and to those who aren't getting your song in their head.

Already into week 2 of the school year, we hope to enjoy this process of relationship-building again as we have ten new students (and very young I might add) with little-to-no relationship with us thus far.  Continue to pray for our high school program as it's only a couple months old and already bearing fruit.  Pray for the director's continued leadership and endurance in pouring his life into the next generation of local leadership.  Despite being a huge task, pray for the world, pray for the governing leaders (1 Tim. 2), pray for justice, pray for direction in your own life and how to advocate for those things that God has instructed and even commanded you to do.  Much love.  Check out more camp pictures on our facebook page.  (2nd Mile Ministries)
They sing their song...
...and I'm loving it.