Saturday, July 14, 2012


Last night I had a strange dream.  One of my favorite movies is Inception because I think it was such a creative idea to delve into the world of dreams and dreams within dreams.  In the movie, it's possible to even share other people's dreams.  If you're like me, you have a difficult time remembering your dreams.  For a time, if I had a very vivid dream, I'd wake up and write down everything I could remember about it--people, setting, plot (if there was one).  When I'm in my dream, everything seems to make sense, despite all the complexities and constant scene changes.  Objects and people seem to morph into new ones before my eyes and my brain just morphs to make perfect sense of it.  I must admit, sometimes after writing down my dreams, I'd try to make sense of it again.  Is there any hidden meaning?  Can I learn anything about myself?  Sometimes I feel I do learn things about my fears, my desires, based on occurrences in my dreams.  Other times, they just make no sense.

Two nights ago, I remember being in a war (in my dream) and we had one last battle to fight, it was going to be dangerous.  Afraid that this would be the last time I got to see life, I was scared but was willing to do whatever I was commanded.  To my surprise, it seemed clear that I was to hide from the enemy, not as a surprise attack tactic, but just to not be seen, not get hurt or messy.  In the dream, I was relieved because I probably wasn't going to die in that battle.  An assignment to hide?  Pshh, I could do that.  Now that I reflect back on this dream, what was I thinking, wishing that I wouldn't be involved in the battle because I might get hurt or die?  Would I get a badge of honor for fulfilling my duties of not dying?  In real life, do I err on the side of caution?  Yep.  Of comfort?  Yep.  I don't tend to take too many risks if it's out of my comfort zone. 

Last night's dream.  If you read the last blog from June 30th, you may remember a video I included with pastor Francis Chan talking about a Christ-like love.  I'm very thankful to God for the things he's taught me through this pastor over the past three years.  (Shout-out to those on the '09 Milwaukee Summer Project who got me his book Crazy Love which took me on a really cool journey to greater admiration for God).  Anyway, the year after I graduated college, I worked at a Christian bookstore.  I haven't worked there for about a year and last July, the store actually closed down.  Basically it's been awhile since I worked there.  So, when Francis Chan is the manager of this bookstore and gives you your job back for the summer, you'd get a little weirded out right?  Not me.  It made perfect sense in my dream.  It made perfect sense that he was in Madison, that I was working again, that I was working alongside him.  Really weird.  I was thinking about telling him about Jacksonville and 2nd Mile Ministries when suddenly, I get transported to the Green House in Brentwood where I lived last year in a conversation with some friends, as if the previous had never happened.  Man, how awesome it would be to observe one of your dreams through conscious eyes!

What do you live for?  What is your absolute goal in life?  Is your every day activity in congruence with that goal?  Read Colossians 3:1-2 carefully and think about your own life.  "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."  What does this mean?  I've been reading through a devotional and scripture this summer and something has been happening with me.  I'm actually learning about the reality that the gospel message, that Jesus Christ died for sinners so that through our faith in him and his forgiveness of our sins that we may spend eternity with him as his adopted children, is not just a decision I made once in my life or something think about on Sundays, or even something I meditate on during quiet times.  It is an every moment of every day lifestyle.  Seeking God, pursuing his will has been growing in my heart this past week.  What in my life is counterfeit, making me believe it is worthy of my time and money, excuse me, God's time and provision?  What are we living for?  Do you have your mind set on eternal things or is the world and all of its voices yelling through your ears, hoping to grab a hold of your heart, and distract you from God's instructions.  This life is a war full of many battles that we must face every moment of every day.  You may be afraid of losing your life (maybe not physically), losing the things you cling to for your comfort.  I don't intend to try and make you feel guilty about your life.  My intention is to draw your attention to a God that wants your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind, your whole strength.  Can you give him your heart when it desires other things first?  Your whole mind when it is full of lustful/angry/worried thoughts?  Your whole strength when it's just easier to sit there and not move and just think about what'd be like to be close to God?  Imagine what your life would look like if every word, thought, and deed was surrendered for God to use in whatever way He wanted.  I'd love to share that dream with you.

Please pray for me that I would learn more and more what it means to surrender my thoughts and actions to the will of the almighty God.